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    American Hustle

    American Hustle tells the story of that brilliant con man Irving Rosenfeld, along with his equally cunning and seductive British partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia.
    Duration: 138 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 7.2
    (9) Voted
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  • Actors of "American Hustle"

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  • Characters of "American Hustle"

    Irving Rosenfeld. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Christian Bale
    Richie DiMaso. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Bradley Cooper
    Sydney Prosser. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Amy Adams
    Mayor Carmine Polito. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Jeremy Renner
    Rosalyn Rosenfeld. Character of American Hustle
    Stoddard Thorsen. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Louis C.K.
    Pete Muske. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Jack Huston
    Sheik Abdullah. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Michael Peña
    Carl Elway. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Shea Whigham
    Anthony Amado. Character of American Hustle
    Dolly Polito. Character of American Hustle
    Simon Alonso. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Paul Herman
    FBI Agent. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Bo Cleary
    Addie Abrams. Character of American Hustle
    Simone's Gang #1. Character of American Hustle
    Played by: Frank Geraci
  • Directors of "American Hustle"

    David O. Russell. Director of American Hustle
    David O. Russell
    Birthdate: 20 August 1958, New York City, New York, USA
  • Creators of "American Hustle"

    Eric Warren Singer. Director of American Hustle
    Eric Warren Singer
    David O. Russell. Director of American Hustle
    David O. Russell
    Birthdate: 20 August 1958, New York City, New York, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "American Hustle"

    Globe and Mail
    January 08, 2014

    Save your admiration for the performances, especially Lawrence, who is now Hollywood's most important presence in front of the camera.

    New York Daily News
    January 08, 2014

    It turns out that comb-overs, cleavage, cocaine and kookiness are an unbeatable combo.

    Denver Post
    December 20, 2013

    Director David O. Russell and co-writer Eric Warren Singer grab hold of the FBI's long-time Abscam sting (conducted in the late '70s into 1980) as their kernel of truth, then Jiffy Pop it like mad.

    Detroit News
    December 20, 2013

    Ambitious even as it studies, exploits and explodes ambition, "American Hustle" is as good as any American film this year. It's also a lot of fun. Don't miss it.

    Philadelphia Inquirer
    December 20, 2013

    American Hustle is a movie built on that cornerstone of the American Dream, reinvention. If you're not happy with who you are, or who people think you are, then go ahead and become somebody else. Anything to survive - and thrive.

    Orange County Register
    December 19, 2013

    The source of this movie's galvanizing intrigue is that the characters remain in play -- they never settle into place

    Washington Free Beacon
    July 14, 2016

    American Hustle is about life as a performance, the ways in which we perceive ourselves and wish to be perceived by others.

    The Film Stage
    June 21, 2016

    If only this set of memorable characters were serving a story that didn't feel half-rate.

    June 18, 2016

    A movie as smart as 'American Hustle' knows that those tactile pleasures only matter if they're attached to some kind of emotional resonance.

    AARP Movies for Grownups
    April 18, 2016

    If American Hustle has anything real to say, it's some minor bromide about greed and corruption. Ultimately, like its central characters, it's is all about 'tude; of that, it's got a ton.

    In These Times
    April 12, 2016

    There's not a lot of takeaway from American Hustle, but that's Russell's personality-he's got a great appetite for verve and foolhardy spectacle, rather than reverb and real-life substance.

    April 08, 2016

    Full of agreeable performances and a few "aha" moments that most filmmakers would kill for, but it never comes together in any meaningful way.

  • Soundtracks of "American Hustle"

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