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    All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records

    'All Things Must Pass' is a documentary in which filmmaker Colin Hanks examines the history of Tower Records, from its rise and fall, and its legacy forged by its rebellious founder, Russ Solomon.
    Duration: 94 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2015
    IMDb: 7.3
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  • Actors of "All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records"

  • Directors of "All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records"

    Colin Hanks. Director of All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records
    Colin Hanks
    Birthdate: 24 November 1977, Sacramento, California, USA
  • Creators of "All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records"

    Steven Leckart. Director of All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records
    Steven Leckart
  • Critic Reviews of "All Things Must Pass The Rise and Fall of Tower Records"

    Globe and Mail
    December 04, 2015

    We learn of the party-hearty environment and family-like vibe of a world where it was cool to write off cocaine as a business expense. And we see the hubris and myopia that doomed the industry.

    Arizona Republic
    November 19, 2015

    As Bruce Springsteen says in the film, "Everybody in a record store is a little bit of your friend for 20 minutes or so." And he's right - including all the ups and downs that friendship entails.

    San Diego Reader
    November 06, 2015

    It's loving and lovely, but goes too easy on the hubris and greed.

    Seattle Times
    November 05, 2015

    Colin Hanks makes his feature directing debut with this irresistible documentary about the evolution of the music business.

    Boston Globe
    November 05, 2015

    Lively and loving ...

    Entertainment Weekly
    November 05, 2015

    The real beating heart of the film is its collection of wild war tales told by the company's former employees, who regarded Tower as more than just a paycheck gig or a commercial proposition.

    The Film Stage
    February 20, 2016

    A love letter to the store and Solomon ... but also to the bygone era of music consumption before iPods and Spotify.

    Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)
    December 11, 2015

    Director Colin Hanks lets his affection for his subject run over. The film probably is for record aficionados only.

    December 03, 2015

    Hanks found an amiable raconteur in Solomon, now 90 but sharp and focused on the business that was his life. A collection of Solomon's confidants sing his praises and get misty about how much fun they had in the old days.

    Madison Movie
    November 14, 2015

    This is Tower's story, and Hanks tells in a way that will resonate with both grizzled music veterans who have hung onto their physical collections, and millennials wondering what all the fuss was about.

    Charlotte Observer
    November 12, 2015

    Hanks makes the rookie mistake of covering the same points too thoroughly - the film could be 10 to 15 minutes shorter - but you can see why he lets entertaining interviewees ramble a bit.

    Austin Chronicle
    November 05, 2015

    Solomon's skills as a raconteur, the employees' unabashed love for their work, and the constant stream of rock music playing in the background advance the film into something much more than a talking-heads documentary.

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