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A Serbian Film
TrailerAn aging porn star (Srdjan Todorovic) who's struggling to provide for his family agrees to make a film, only to discover that he has been drafted into making a pedophilia and necrophilia themed snuff film.Genre: DramaActors: Srdjan Zika Todorovic, Sergej Trifunovic, Jelena Gavrilovic, Slobodan Bestic, Katarina Zutic, Luka Mijatovic, Ana Sakic, Lena Bogdanovic, Miodrag Krcmarik, Nenad Herakovic, Carni Djeric, ...»Director: Srdjan SpasojevicCountry: United StatesDuration: 104 minQuality: HDRelease: 2010IMDb: 4.93 CommentsSort By- Newest
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anonymous AnonymousI believe the movie is quite wholesome in its a portrayal of the everyday issues we find in our own lives each day.2019-03-07 01:03vvfhwllfj AnonymousI agree with the guy above2019-01-24 00:01anonymous AnonymousDont watch this movie please!2018-08-29 14:08 -
Actors of "A Serbian Film"
Characters of "A Serbian Film"
LejlaPlayed by: Katarina Zutic -
Directors of "A Serbian Film"
Creators of "A Serbian Film"
Critic Reviews of "A Serbian Film"
New York TimesMay 12, 2011"A Serbian Film" revels in its sheer inventive awfulness and dares the viewer to find a more serious layer of meaning.
Village VoiceMay 11, 2011That the film exists at all is a more cogent commentary on the nation's collective trauma than any of the direct statements or potential metaphors contained within.
Time OutMay 10, 2011In its histrionic dream logic, the movie says as much about Eastern Europe as Twilight does about the Pacific Northwest. Frankly, you'd be better off self-abusing.
Time OutDecember 09, 2010A sordid welter of sexual sadism, incestuous necrophilia and 'snuff movie' nihilism.
Cinemaphile.orgNovember 06, 2016There exists a hard, bitter audience for the likes of A Serbian Film, one of the most graphic depictions of human suffering I have ever seen committed to the screen. I am not among them.
Ozus' World Movie ReviewsNovember 06, 2015To compliment it as being well-crafted, which it is, doesn't mean much when it's unwatchable.
Critic's NotebookOctober 07, 2015Bottom line is, this film doesn't make any taboo look sexy - not even remotely. If you find it arousing, you are the problem.
TheHorrorShowAugust 26, 2015I admire and detest this film at the same time. And I will never watch it again.
ColeSmithey.comJanuary 12, 2015[VIDEO ESSAY] ...Spasojević invites the viewer to compare his made-up pornography of death to the similar underlying nature of capitalism's commercial cinema of the West and its attendant sponsors.
Scene 360July 02, 2013True to its state-of-the-nation title, Srdjan Spasojevic's "A Serbian Film" is an electrifying, ithyphallic allegory of a country bestialised, violated, commodified and sold - by its own - down the river
We Got This CoveredMarch 13, 2013Fantastic performances from the two leads make for a very powerful film. It's truly a technical achievement on every count and while It may not be for everyone, if you can stomach it, watch it!
7M PicturesOctober 29, 2011A Serbian Film has a real point to be made. The sad thing is that it is lost on most people who will be offended to the point of dismissing the movie as trash.
Gallery of "A Serbian Film"