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    A Haunted House

    Young couple Malcolm and Kisha move into their dream home.  When Kisha becomes possessed by the demon, Malcolm - determined to keep his sex life on track - turns to a priest, a psychic, and a team of ghost-busters for help.
    Duration: 86 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 2013
    IMDb: 5.0
    (11) Voted
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  • Actors of "A Haunted House"

  • Characters of "A Haunted House"

    Malcolm. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Marlon Wayans
    Rosa. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Marlene Forte
    Kisha. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Essence Atkins
    Dan the Security Man. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: David Koechner
    Bob. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Dave Sheridan
    Chip the Psychic. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Nick Swardson
    Jenny. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Alanna Ubach
    Steve. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Andrew Daly
    Kisha's Dad. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: J.B. Smoove
    Kisha's Mom. Character of A Haunted House
    Played by: Robin Thede
    Ray-Ray. Character of A Haunted House
    Father Williams. Character of A Haunted House
  • Directors of "A Haunted House"

    Michael Tiddes. Director of A Haunted House
    Michael Tiddes
  • Creators of "A Haunted House"

    Marlon Wayans. Director of A Haunted House
    Marlon Wayans
    Birthdate: 23 July 1972, New York City, New York, USA
    Rick Alvarez. Director of A Haunted House
    Rick Alvarez
  • Critic Reviews of "A Haunted House"

    Globe and Mail
    January 25, 2013

    Along comes Marlon Wayans to do in A Haunted House what he once did in Scary Movie. And do it much, much worse.

    Toronto Star
    January 24, 2013

    A movie that offends every moral sensibility but delivers few comedic rewards.

    Village Voice
    January 15, 2013

    Does it even qualify as a movie? Why did it take two people to write and cost $2.5 million to make?

    Boston Globe
    January 13, 2013

    You might chuckle at Wayans huddled in the tub, frantically trying to scrub himself clean of something slightly more earthly-freaky than evil spirits. But watching him get it on with stuffed animals? Ick.

    Los Angeles Times
    January 13, 2013

    There are vague hints that the story is "really" about the difficulties and anxiety of commitment, but then one of many variations on a fart joke distracts from any actual idea.

    New York Times
    January 11, 2013

    If the opening gag in your R-rated movie is an extended flatulence joke you should reconsider whether you're qualified to make such a movie.

    Movie Mezzanine
    February 06, 2014

    Neither worthy of my laughter nor capable of inducing sleep. No, this is one of those rare films where its badness turns the cogs of your brain.

    November 25, 2013

    A Haunted House is technically inept, monotonous, and stiflingly cheap-looking. How this cost $2.5 million dollars to produce is beyond me.

    The National (UAE)
    October 18, 2013

    Too banal to be offensive, it's certainly one to miss

    Shadows on the Wall
    June 27, 2013

    Frustratingly, there's actually talent on-screen that hints at what could have been a cleverly comical take on the found-footage genre.

    Irish Times
    June 21, 2013

    Heck, worse films starring Robert De Niro have been released this year.
    June 21, 2013

    Yet another spoof from Wayans and Alvarez, this movie isn't nearly as bad as it could have been (they also produced the resolutely unfunny Scary Movie 2 and Dance Flick).

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