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    A Civil Action

    A Civil Action is a drama film which was directed by Steven Zaillian, that stars John Travolta and Robert Duvall, and that is based on the book by Jonathan Harr.The families of children who died sue two companies for dumping toxic waste: a tort so expensive to prove...
    Duration: 115 min
    Quality: HD
    Release: 1998
    IMDb: 6.6
    (1) Voted
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  • Actors of "A Civil Action"

  • Characters of "A Civil Action"

    Jan Schlichtmann. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: John Travolta
    Jerome Facher. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: Robert Duvall
    Kevin Conway. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: Tony Shalhoub
    James Gordon. Character of A Civil Action
    Bill Crowley. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: Zeljko Ivanek
    Judge Walter J. Skinner. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: John Lithgow
    Anne Anderson. Character of A Civil Action
    Kathy Boyer. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: Mary Mara
    Al Love. Character of A Civil Action
    John Riley. Character of A Civil Action
    Played by: Dan Hedaya
    Mr. Granger. Character of A Civil Action
  • Directors of "A Civil Action"

    Steven Zaillian. Director of A Civil Action
    Steven Zaillian
    Birthdate: 30 January 1953, Fresno, California, USA
  • Creators of "A Civil Action"

    Jonathan Harr. Director of A Civil Action
    Jonathan Harr
    Birthdate: 1948, Wisconsin, USA
    Steven Zaillian. Director of A Civil Action
    Steven Zaillian
    Birthdate: 30 January 1953, Fresno, California, USA
  • Critic Reviews of "A Civil Action"

    June 01, 2006

    Based on a true story, this is an intelligent legal thriller, very much in the mode of 1970s issue-oriented films, that may be too subtle and complex for the damands of today's market.

    Time Out
    February 09, 2006

    Delivering the verdict two thirds into the movie is anti-climactic, while Schlichtmann's belated atonement feels beside the point.

    Los Angeles Times
    February 14, 2001

    As proficient a job as writer-director Steve Zaillian and his team do, A Civil Action has unmistakably unraveled by its close.
    January 01, 2000

    Schlichtmann may have gone through this conversion in real life, but I just didn't buy it the way Zaillian presents it.

    New York Magazine/Vulture
    January 01, 2000

    I'm all for films that don't flow from the usual Hollywood test tubes, but A Civil Action is basically the standard formula with a dash of downbeat.

    Village Voice
    January 01, 2000

    A slick, shameless job that takes way too long to make its point (namely, we need the EPA).

    TV Guide
    November 22, 2009

    This is a case in which the material really is better served in book form.
    July 30, 2007

    The movie becomes one more David-and-Goliath morality play.

    Film Threat
    December 06, 2005

    While Travolta is passable as Schlichtmann, it is the outstanding work from Duvall, Macy and briefly Tony Shalhoub that drive the story.

    Reeling Reviews
    April 09, 2005

    I expected a harder hitting indictment against the uncaring power of corporate America. Instead, we get a middlin' courtroom drama that lacks the intensity of such films as the 1982 Sidney Lumet/Paul Newman film, The Verdict.

    Draxblog Movie Reviews
    February 28, 2005

    the film is slightly overlong and the ending is anti-cathartic.

    Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
    February 05, 2005

    ... hints at the complex moral issues that vein the story.

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