Zsuzsa Czinkóczi

Zsuzsa Czinkóczi

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January 23, 1967 in Kiskunmajsa, Hungary
In 1975, over 5,000 young girls auditioned for the lead role in László Ranódy's Árvácska (1976). 7-year-old Zsuzsa Czinkóczi got the role. After the critically-acclaimed movie, Zsuzsa became famous. Although she never learnt acting, she appeared in many movies and TV films as a child actress. After she got married and... Show more »
In 1975, over 5,000 young girls auditioned for the lead role in László Ranódy's Árvácska (1976). 7-year-old Zsuzsa Czinkóczi got the role. After the critically-acclaimed movie, Zsuzsa became famous. Although she never learnt acting, she appeared in many movies and TV films as a child actress. After she got married and gave birth to a son at the age of 17, Zsuzsa "retired", and appeared only in Márta Mészáros' films, including the sequels of the critically acclaimed _Napló gyermekeimnek (1982)_: Napló szerelmeimnek (1987), Napló apámnak, anyámnak (1990) and she even had a cameo in the 4th Diary-film (Kisvilma terre d'espérance (2000)). Zsuzsa now lives in Kecskemét as a divorced mom with her son, Tamás and works as a hall porter. Show less «

Zsuzsa Czinkóczi's FILMOGRAPHY

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