Waen Shepherd

Waen Shepherd

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1971, England, UK
Birth Name: 
Waen Origen Shepherd
178 cm
Waen Shepherd was born in 1971 in Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Oriel College, part of Oxford University, where he became a member of the Oxford Revue where he continued to explore his creative talents as a performer and writer,Waen is versatile comedy character actor, well known for his musical characters such as electro-pop artist, Gary ... Show more »
Waen Shepherd was born in 1971 in Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Oriel College, part of Oxford University, where he became a member of the Oxford Revue where he continued to explore his creative talents as a performer and writer,Waen is versatile comedy character actor, well known for his musical characters such as electro-pop artist, Gary Le Strange and surf-rock legend, Colin Watson. These characters have their own songs and several albums, which can now be accessed online through tools like Spotify and also purchased via ITunes. Waen has enjoyed making many radio recordings at the BBC over the years and he has developed a way to be able to record broadcast quality music and audio using his own home studio set up.Waen has always enjoyed exploring the darker, stranger (and more interesting) sides of the human psyche through his characterisations, so it was no surprise when he was asked to consider playing the geography teacher, Mr Kennedy, in "The Inbetweeners" TV series.Waen is a gifted composer, writing original incidental music, TV theme tunes and bespoke pieces for a variety of creative media projects and production companies, including being series composer for Crackanory and the BBC's ground-breaking comedy series Murder in Successville. Having scored several award-winning short films, Waen recently composed a feature-length soundtrack for The Ghoul (2014), an Independent British film by Gareth Tunley and Ben Wheatley. Show less «

Waen Shepherd's FILMOGRAPHY

Count Arthur Strong - Season 3


The Ghoul




Mongrels - Season 2


The Inbetweeners UK - Season 3


The Inbetweeners UK - Season 1


Mongrels - Season 1


The Inbetweeners UK - Season 2

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Waen Shepherd'S roles

Mr. Kennedy
Mr. Kennedy