Virginia Carrington

Virginia Carrington

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February 10, 1928 in Halifax, Virginia, USA
A native of the State of Virginia she is the youngest of the 4 Carrington sisters (Sally, Lillian and Georgina) and was given the nickname "Fudge." Virginia came to Hollywood in 1972 by way of White Plains, New York where two of her other sisters (Sally and "Lil") remained. While working in a hamburger restaurant Virginia was di... Show more »
A native of the State of Virginia she is the youngest of the 4 Carrington sisters (Sally, Lillian and Georgina) and was given the nickname "Fudge." Virginia came to Hollywood in 1972 by way of White Plains, New York where two of her other sisters (Sally and "Lil") remained. While working in a hamburger restaurant Virginia was discovered by renowned actor/director/producer John Cassavetes in 1975 and cast in the movie "The Killing of a Chinese Bookie" with Ben Gazzara and Azizi Johari. Show less «

Virginia Carrington's FILMOGRAPHY

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie

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