Vic Kuligoski

Vic Kuligoski

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Vic Kuligoski is a Chicago Actor, Musician, Writer and Performer. Theater Credit's in Chicago include, Cloud 9 with Eclipse Theatre, Happy Birthday Mars Rover with The Passage Theatre and May the Road Rise up with The Factory Theater. Film Credit's include Aaron Sorkin's, "The Trial of The Chicago 7," Felix Pinero's, &... Show more »
Vic Kuligoski is a Chicago Actor, Musician, Writer and Performer. Theater Credit's in Chicago include, Cloud 9 with Eclipse Theatre, Happy Birthday Mars Rover with The Passage Theatre and May the Road Rise up with The Factory Theater. Film Credit's include Aaron Sorkin's, "The Trial of The Chicago 7," Felix Pinero's, "Adjunto" and Neil Fischer's, "Kindergarten Cop 2020." Vic enjoys riding songs in his spare time and is currently writing his first ever short film! Show less «

Vic Kuligoski's FILMOGRAPHY

Night Sky - Season 1


The Trial of the Chicago 7 [Sub: Eng]

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