Valeria Moriconi

Valeria Moriconi

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November 15, 1931 in Jesi, Marche, Italy
Birth Name: 
Valeria Maria Abbruzzetti
Valeria Moriconi was born in Jesi, Marche region, in the centre of Italy. She was very young when she acted in an art company, but the success came with the movies "Gli Italiani si voltano" and "La Spiaggia". She won the Golden Grolla award for "Le soldatesse". She performed on stage in a lot of theatrical plays at Arl... Show more »
Valeria Moriconi was born in Jesi, Marche region, in the centre of Italy. She was very young when she acted in an art company, but the success came with the movies "Gli Italiani si voltano" and "La Spiaggia". She won the Golden Grolla award for "Le soldatesse". She performed on stage in a lot of theatrical plays at Arlecchino Theater (now Flaiano), from "Girotondo" of Schnitzler and "Per un amore a Roma" of patti to "Arialda" of Testori and directed by Visconti. In the 60s she met the director Franco Enriquez and for him left her husband Aldo Moriconi, entwining a love affair. After Enriquez's death she loved Vittorio Spiga, a journalist of Bologna and at her death he was at her bed. The president of Italian Republic, Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, elected her Great master of Republic. In 2000 she was the voice for Papa's comments during Via Crucis. In 1999 she took the Renato Simoni award. She worked until the end of her life, notwithstanding the illness, but on 7th of June 2005 she was forced to interrupt her theater tour with "Gli Spettri" of Ibsen. Show less «

Valeria Moriconi's FILMOGRAPHY

Quelle strane occasioni


Totò lascia o raddoppia?


Miseria e nobiltà ( Poverty and Nobility )


L`amore in città [Audio: Italian]

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