Tina Louise Bomberry

Tina Louise Bomberry

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Tina Louise Bomberry hails from the Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario, Canada. She is an enrolled member of the Mohawk Bear clan. Tina has been active in the entertainment business as an actress, singer, traditional women's dancer, storyteller, stage manager, production assistant, workshop facilitator, casting director, audition coach.... Show more »
Tina Louise Bomberry hails from the Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario, Canada. She is an enrolled member of the Mohawk Bear clan. Tina has been active in the entertainment business as an actress, singer, traditional women's dancer, storyteller, stage manager, production assistant, workshop facilitator, casting director, audition coach. She is a member of ACTRA and the Canadian Actors Equity Association in Toronto. Tina was born in Toronto and has traveled extensively across Canada doing theater, television, cinema, and radio. She trained at the Center for Indigenous Theater in 1986 and at Ryerson University in 1988. Tina has over thirty years of professional experience as a performing artist and advocate for the arts. Recently her passion for writing, storytelling, and singing the blues has ignited a spark of creativity that has had an impact on her desire to freelance as an artist and storyteller. Show less «

Tina Louise Bomberry's FILMOGRAPHY

Casino Jack


Shania: A Life in Eight Albums


North of 60 - Season 3


North of 60 - Season 2


North of 60 - Season 1

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