Tina Balthazar

Tina Balthazar

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Tina Balthazar is known for her striking on-screen presence. Her portrayal of fantasy, sci-fi and villainous characters is as captivating as her unique look. To date, she has worked multiple times with renowned director Bruno Aveillan and participated in many award-winning film projects. Besides playing offbeat characters, she has gained recognitio... Show more »
Tina Balthazar is known for her striking on-screen presence. Her portrayal of fantasy, sci-fi and villainous characters is as captivating as her unique look. To date, she has worked multiple times with renowned director Bruno Aveillan and participated in many award-winning film projects. Besides playing offbeat characters, she has gained recognition as the face of several worldwide TV commercials. Show less «

Tina Balthazar's FILMOGRAPHY

Zack Snyder's Justice League (Color)


Zack Snyder's Justice League (Black and White)


Zack Snyders Justice League


Justice League


Dracula Reborn 2015

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