Timothy L. Brown

Timothy L. Brown

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Tim Brown is a retired, decorated 20-year FDNY firefighter, a survivor of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a first responder to the 1993 terrorist attack on the WTC and a veteran of the New York Urban Search & Rescue Task Force team that responded to the 1995 terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklah... Show more »
Tim Brown is a retired, decorated 20-year FDNY firefighter, a survivor of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, a first responder to the 1993 terrorist attack on the WTC and a veteran of the New York Urban Search & Rescue Task Force team that responded to the 1995 terrorist attack on the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. Tim lost 93 of his friends on Sept. 11th, including his two best friends.Tim's acting career includes television and both drama and documentary film. He is best known as Officer Jason Armstrong on the HBO Series "Oz" (1997-2003). He also played Roofman Billy in the film "Frequency" (2000).He is also a participant in Jim Whitaker's Peabody Award-winning documentary film "Rebirth"(2011)that was featured on the Showtime channel. Versions of the film also appear in the National September 11th Museum. Tim's difficult experience, as documented in the film, has made him a sought after speaker regarding Post-Traumatic Stress, grief, resilience of the human spirit and hope. Tim has spoken at many colleges and universities, including the 2011 Vinfen Film Festival at Harvard Medical School. Vice President of the United States Joe Biden invited the Rebirth participants to the White House to screen their film to a group of psychology students. He volunteers with many charitable organizations including the National September 11th Memorial and Museum, Project Rebirth, Carry the Load, Ride2Recovery, The Sierra Club and Outward Bound. Show less «

Timothy L. Brown's FILMOGRAPHY

Oz - Season 6


Oz - Season 5


Oz - Season 4


Oz - Season 3


Oz - Season 2


Oz - Season 1

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Timothy L. Brown'S roles

Officer Jason Armstrong
Officer Jason Armstrong