Tiffany Nowak

Tiffany Nowak

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Tiffany is 9 years old and has the perfect personality for show business. She has appeared in The Alcoholist (Mia) Alive an undead survival series (young zombie)and Trew Calling (extra). She has also enjoyed performing in the theater Les Mis (ensemble)Fiddler on the roof (ensemble) and It's a wonderful life (ZuZu) . She also enjoys singing and... Show more »
Tiffany is 9 years old and has the perfect personality for show business. She has appeared in The Alcoholist (Mia) Alive an undead survival series (young zombie)and Trew Calling (extra). She has also enjoyed performing in the theater Les Mis (ensemble)Fiddler on the roof (ensemble) and It's a wonderful life (ZuZu) . She also enjoys singing and in the summer she sings all over western New York with the Diva Show Band as a "Mini Diva" She is in 3rd grade and loves All star cheerleading. Show less «

Tiffany Nowak's FILMOGRAPHY


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