Tewfik El-Hakim

Tewfik El-Hakim

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1898 in Alexandria, Egypt
Tewfik El-Hakim, an Egyptian writer, is the son of a noble Turkish lady. He gave up studying law and turned to art and literature, and started writing plays from the early age. But his main works were written after his studies in France. Al-Hakim can be known as father of solid script writing and modern Arabic novel. Amongst his works, the most out... Show more »
Tewfik El-Hakim, an Egyptian writer, is the son of a noble Turkish lady. He gave up studying law and turned to art and literature, and started writing plays from the early age. But his main works were written after his studies in France. Al-Hakim can be known as father of solid script writing and modern Arabic novel. Amongst his works, the most outstanding ones are his intellectual plays. Intellectual and reflective concerns, abstract characterization and atmosphere, brilliant dialogues, taking benefit from myth; and being highly affected by French symbolism are main characteristics of these plays Show less «

Tewfik El-Hakim's FILMOGRAPHY

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