Tania Lamata

Tania Lamata

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162 cm
(2015) Retribution (2016) Urxencia Cero (2018) Eye for an Eye (2018) Gun city (2018) El Punto Frío (2015) A Fiestra Teatro - company of theatre (2018) Contou Rosalía (2018) O Caso Diana Quer. 500 days (2016) Pazo de Familia (2015) Hotel Almirante (2018) Elisa and Marcela I did an interpretation course with practices on set in Voz Audiovisual SA (... Show more »
(2015) Retribution (2016) Urxencia Cero (2018) Eye for an Eye (2018) Gun city (2018) El Punto Frío (2015) A Fiestra Teatro - company of theatre (2018) Contou Rosalía (2018) O Caso Diana Quer. 500 days (2016) Pazo de Familia (2015) Hotel Almirante (2018) Elisa and Marcela I did an interpretation course with practices on set in Voz Audiovisual SA (2015) Five months Radio host and dubbing actress (2014) Show less «

Tania Lamata's FILMOGRAPHY

Eye for an Eye (Quien a hierro mata)


Elisa y Marcela [Sub: Eng]


Gun City (La sombra de la ley) [Sub: Eng]

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