Steven Sutherland

Steven Sutherland

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Steven Sutherland was born in 1988 in Garden City, Michigan. His mother's name is Barbara Jean Moran. His father, Brian Dale Sutherland, was the manager of a print shop. He has three older Sisters. Marie, Crista and Cindy. Steven attended two high schools, Garden City High School and Redford Union. He was involved in dramatics where he receive... Show more »
Steven Sutherland was born in 1988 in Garden City, Michigan. His mother's name is Barbara Jean Moran. His father, Brian Dale Sutherland, was the manager of a print shop. He has three older Sisters. Marie, Crista and Cindy. Steven attended two high schools, Garden City High School and Redford Union. He was involved in dramatics where he received an academic achievement award. When Steven was 7 years old he made a contract with his godfather stating that when he makes it in acting he will take care of him when he's older. His godfather still has that contract.When Steven was 14 years old his father committed suicide. His dad always pushed him to follow his dreams. Steven's breakout role was the lead role in Ashes of Eden as Red. He saw the advertisement for the movie on a Michigan Acting site and sent in one of his monologues he had done on YouTube. As it turns out This monologue changed his life. From Filming Ashes of Eden he met Michael Joiner (The Grace Card) Michael and Steven hit it off right away. Michael didn't hesitate to call Steven after finishing Ashes of Eden to tell him about a movie in need of another lead role. Surrender. Shortly after Surrender he has appeared in commercials and also starred in a music video for well known band in Germany. Sutherland has made many contacts/friends that he is in collaboration with for future movies. Show less «

Steven Sutherland's FILMOGRAPHY

Hung - Season 3


Hung - Season 2


Hung - Season 1




The Myth of the American Sleepover


High School

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