Sheree Zellner

Sheree Zellner

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Sheree is an actor/singer/dancer with experience in film, TV & theatre. She is passionate about her craft, relishing every opportunity to grow as an artist. In her spare time, Sheree loves to surf and is the co-author (with Danielle DuBois, Jill Flitton & Debbie Lindsay) of inspirational book Taking the Drop, which is all about taking up su... Show more »
Sheree is an actor/singer/dancer with experience in film, TV & theatre. She is passionate about her craft, relishing every opportunity to grow as an artist. In her spare time, Sheree loves to surf and is the co-author (with Danielle DuBois, Jill Flitton & Debbie Lindsay) of inspirational book Taking the Drop, which is all about taking up surfing when you're well and truly into middle age. In 2016, Sheree appeared in Dance Academy The Comeback, The House of Bond, two web-series due out in 2017 - The Witness Articles and I Know You Are, plus several short films, mostly in lead roles. She also appeared in and choreographed two sequences for The High Road (Blue Murder 2), with Richard Roxburgh & Toni Collette. Show less «

Sheree Zellner's FILMOGRAPHY



Dance Academy: The Movie

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