Shawn McAninch

Shawn McAninch

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Shawn McAninch is an actor who was born in Des Moines, Iowa. He went on to study music at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa.After college, Shawn wanted to see some of the world. So, he found a job teaching English in Kofu, Japan where he also studied martial arts and met his future wife, DeAnn, who was ALSO from Iowa. After nearly two years in Kof... Show more »
Shawn McAninch is an actor who was born in Des Moines, Iowa. He went on to study music at Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa.After college, Shawn wanted to see some of the world. So, he found a job teaching English in Kofu, Japan where he also studied martial arts and met his future wife, DeAnn, who was ALSO from Iowa. After nearly two years in Kofu, Shawn left Japan to backpack around southeast Asia and Australia before finally returning home to Des Moines.Shawn is also a professional singer, who has performed with the Des Moines Metro Opera for seven seasons and he was the lead singer for the rock group, The Lotos Eaters.Shawn started in the martial arts when he was 14 years old and holds instructor level ranking in multiple martial arts. This, combined with a passion for movie fight scenes, has lead him into stunt fight choreography. Show less «

Shawn McAninch's FILMOGRAPHY

Charcoal Skies


Tom (2022)


Unhuman Nature


Criminal Confessions - Season 2


Criminal Confessions - Season 1

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