Shahar Sorek

Shahar Sorek

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28 December 1975, Jerusalem, Israel
Born and raised on the streets of Jerusalem, Shahar comes from both an orthodox and secular Jewish family. He started his acting career by landing the lead role in the biggest prime time drama on Israeli TV, "Ramat Aviv". He later went on to star in other TV, film and stage productions.Five times Israel national champion and a Master in t... Show more »
Born and raised on the streets of Jerusalem, Shahar comes from both an orthodox and secular Jewish family. He started his acting career by landing the lead role in the biggest prime time drama on Israeli TV, "Ramat Aviv". He later went on to star in other TV, film and stage productions.Five times Israel national champion and a Master in the Korean martial art Tae-Kwon-Do, Shahar starred and developed "Ajimae", a TV special for Israel's national network. "Ajimae", a blending of Martial Arts and dance techniques coupled with singing was selected the best production of 2002.He is now the lead in the epic film "King of Beggars". Written and Directed by the acclaimed Israeli Director/Writer Uri Paster, "King of Beggars" is one of Israel's biggest and most lucrative film productions in decades.Fluent in both English and Hebrew. Show less «

Shahar Sorek's FILMOGRAPHY


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Shahar Sorek'S roles

Killer No. 3
Killer No. 3