Serenity Allinder Velasco Valle

Serenity Allinder Velasco Valle

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Serenity is best known for her role as Cassie in My Autopsy.She started out doing school plays in elementary school and later community theater at The Barn Theater in Porterville, CA. Serenity did some acting for a digital arts project at Cerro Coso Community College in Lake Isabella, CA as well as at the University of Santa Cruz, were she graduate... Show more »
Serenity is best known for her role as Cassie in My Autopsy.She started out doing school plays in elementary school and later community theater at The Barn Theater in Porterville, CA. Serenity did some acting for a digital arts project at Cerro Coso Community College in Lake Isabella, CA as well as at the University of Santa Cruz, were she graduated with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Serenity also was an extra in Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes during her college days.Serenity is a published multi-genre author (under Serenity Valle).Serenity resides in West Virginia with her family, where she homeschools and makes YouTube videos with her sister-in-law. In her spare time, she loves watching spy shows, singing, and traipsing around the forest with her children. Show less «

Serenity Allinder Velasco Valle's FILMOGRAPHY

My Autopsy


Planet of the Apes (2001)

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