Sebastian Matthias Weißbach

Sebastian Matthias Weißbach

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Sebastian Matthias Weissbach was born on August 9, 1985 in West-Berlin, Germany. He was raised bilingually, being son to a German father and an English mother, and started acting when he was in school, but only started to pursue an acting career after finishing High School. He made his German T.V. debut in "Tatort: Schleichendes Gift" and... Show more »
Sebastian Matthias Weissbach was born on August 9, 1985 in West-Berlin, Germany. He was raised bilingually, being son to a German father and an English mother, and started acting when he was in school, but only started to pursue an acting career after finishing High School. He made his German T.V. debut in "Tatort: Schleichendes Gift" and has since then starred in various short films. Working as a director on the side, he created multiple short films, from artistic titles like "Brüderlich" to dramatic comedy like "Für Lottchen". His films have been shown at Film Festivals like FiSh Rostock or shnit Short Film Festival. Since 2013, he dedicates his time to his Online short film group Cinéma Fatale. Show less «

Sebastian Matthias Weißbach's FILMOGRAPHY

We Are the Missing


Paranormal Demons

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