Sariann Monaco

Sariann Monaco

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Sariann Monaco is an internationally known actor & voice actor repped by VOX inc., LA & Shamon Freitas Agency. She was nominated for best actress at the 2014 San Diego Film Awards. Her most recent work includes films: Telly awarded DownStage, Telly awarded ABSENT, Jane's Toothbrush, The Saddle, Between Bullets & Revenge, inc. Recen... Show more »
Sariann Monaco is an internationally known actor & voice actor repped by VOX inc., LA & Shamon Freitas Agency. She was nominated for best actress at the 2014 San Diego Film Awards. Her most recent work includes films: Telly awarded DownStage, Telly awarded ABSENT, Jane's Toothbrush, The Saddle, Between Bullets & Revenge, inc. Recent voice work includes Nature Made Vitamins, Chicco baby bottles, Sambazon Acai & Number 4 High Performance Hair Care. Sariann is the narrator of the Telly award winning film, "ONE", & voices the waitress in 2015's TopCat Begins animation film directed by Charlie Adler. Her commercial appearance in 'Check your Sources" San Diego also won an ADDY award. Sariann is "Reliable Mom Meets Lucy" with over a dozen years experience in writing, producing, directing & acting. She brings a background in Second City Chicago & Finest City improv to commercial or radio spots, offers a range of whimsical or ominous sounds for animation & provides a trusted, intelligent & expressive voice for website, tutorial, or medical narration. Past experience in the medical field, human resources, contract public speaking & as a newspaper columnist gives Sariann multiple skills for all the facets of the entertainment industry. Show less «

Sariann Monaco's FILMOGRAPHY

Top Cat Begins

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Sariann Monaco'S roles
