Sarah Laine Smith

Sarah Laine Smith

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Sarah Laine Smith was born in Annapolis, Maryland. Her father builds guitars and her mother breeds racehorses, and she had the pleasure of growing up in a very creative and artistically encouraging home. She first came to Los Angeles in 2005 and earned her Bachelor's of Arts in Theatre from the University of Southern California. In addition to... Show more »
Sarah Laine Smith was born in Annapolis, Maryland. Her father builds guitars and her mother breeds racehorses, and she had the pleasure of growing up in a very creative and artistically encouraging home. She first came to Los Angeles in 2005 and earned her Bachelor's of Arts in Theatre from the University of Southern California. In addition to her primary passion for acting, she has worn a wide variety of hats in the film industry: makeup artist, 1st AD, 1st AC, set coordinator, art department PA, and costume designer, to name a few. She is a proud member of Artists Los Angeles. She has three brothers and a sister. Show less «

Sarah Laine Smith's FILMOGRAPHY

Lost Holiday


House of Cards - Season 6


House Of Cards - Season 5


House Of Cards - Season 4


House Of Cards - Season 2


House Of Cards - Season 3


House Of Cards - Season 1


Sex Sent Me to the ER - Season 1

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