Sarah Froelich

Sarah Froelich

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Sarah Froelich is an artist, musician, actress and genre enthusiast. She performs with the noise / power electronics outfit Consumer Electronics, publishes books under the Amphetamine Sulphate Imprint and has shown her work internationally. After being contacted by Director Isaac Rodriguez about reading for the lead role in Last Radio Call, she has... Show more »
Sarah Froelich is an artist, musician, actress and genre enthusiast. She performs with the noise / power electronics outfit Consumer Electronics, publishes books under the Amphetamine Sulphate Imprint and has shown her work internationally. After being contacted by Director Isaac Rodriguez about reading for the lead role in Last Radio Call, she has begun pursuing acting more seriously, with a greatly renewed passion and enthusiasm. Her primary interest is in creating real and visceral female characters, often in extremis. Thus, the horror genre is where she feels the most comfortably uncomfortable. Show less «

Sarah Froelich's FILMOGRAPHY

Last Radio Call


A Town Full of Ghosts



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