Sara Faiella

Sara Faiella

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6 September 1989, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Sara Faiella was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was raised in Fresno, California since 9 months of age. Ever since Sara was a baby, Sara started acting. Sara hated English class because she was forced to read books that gave her no interest. Sara started Armenian dancing as little as she could walk. As a 7 year old Sara was in an after school... Show more »
Sara Faiella was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts and was raised in Fresno, California since 9 months of age. Ever since Sara was a baby, Sara started acting. Sara hated English class because she was forced to read books that gave her no interest. Sara started Armenian dancing as little as she could walk. As a 7 year old Sara was in an after school program where Sara was taught Laotian, Mong, & Chinese dancing. Also learning the Spanish Language. Sara was trained in Japanese Shotokan Martial arts from the age of 4 to the age of 16. Sara earned her first degree black belt at the young age of 12. Sara also studied Gymnastics from age 4-6. Every Summer Sara attended a Sports Camp through Fresno City College called RamCamp where she would swim 2 hours a day. Sara was a Brownie in Girl Scouts at the age of 9 years old & riding horses as well as starting to Draw Free hand. At age 11 Sara started Playing Violin in Public School, Sara's stayed at it & still plays. At age 12, Sara took 4 private tennis lessons which she Loved. Sara's mother put her in A performing arts program at RSA & Sara performed in Choir, Theatre, Orchestra, & Jazz Dance, as well as started writing Poetry. Sara had always wanted to Figure skate since she was young, but because of the expense of the sport Sara often just went Skating for fun. For Sara's Sophmore & JR. year of HS Sara attended Roosevelt School of The Arts where she took Swing/Jazz/Tap/Ballet, Fashion Design, Physics, Algebra 2, Intermediate Drawing, Advanced Choir, Advanced Orchestra, & Tennis. As a sophmore with the GPA of 3.9 Sara applied for the Performing Arts Scholarship where she was awarded money to use toward the Arts. Sara chose to use the money on 1 summer of Ballet, European Dance, Salsa, 2 Belly Dance classes, and 4 private Figure Skating lessons which she enjoyed very much. Sara was offered to be the Manager of the Guys Tennis Team so that she may participate in the sport with the guys at RHS, which lead to Sara joining a beautiful racquet club where she competed against Girls on the Girls Team. Sara had an excessive amount of credits graduating HS. As a Senior in HS Sara attended Morning classes at Cal State University Fresno under the Step to College Program taking English Horsemanship, Armenian Language, & Ballet Class. Sara only needed 2 classes to graduate high school so she thought why not start University early. Sara also tried out to be apart of the Universities Portable Dance Troupe in 2006, and was accepted into the Performing Troupe. Sara Loves Acting, Singing, Dancing, as well as learning about Foreign Cultures & accents surprisingly pick up on Sara quite easily. Show less «

Sara Faiella's FILMOGRAPHY

NCIS - Season 18


NCIS - Season 17


NCIS - Season 16


Between Us

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