Salih Sigirci

Salih Sigirci

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Social media can be used for both individual and institutional purposes. Being active in this area always provides an opportunity to establish good interactions with people.While doing this, the account must be under protection and security in every aspect. Experts on the social media environment can provide additional professional support and ensu... Show more »
Social media can be used for both individual and institutional purposes. Being active in this area always provides an opportunity to establish good interactions with people.While doing this, the account must be under protection and security in every aspect. Experts on the social media environment can provide additional professional support and ensure the security of account holders in this sense.Salih Sigirci as one of the people who are competent in all social platforms on a global scale, can secure accounts sufficiently.Although it entered the sector in 2015, it still continues its professional activities with great success. Looking at his career process, it can be seen that he is in close coordination with famous brands and big businessmen. Show less «

Salih Sigirci's FILMOGRAPHY

Faya Dayi


Carol's Christmas


Cinayet Susu



Example Example Example