Sade Ayodele

Sade Ayodele

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Sade is a Nigerian-American actor and singer from San Bernardino, California. She began performing at four years old in her church after snatching the microphone from the pastor and leading the congregation in a rendition of Jesus Loves Me. She loves exploring underrepresented experiences through the far reaches of comedy, horror, and tender, intim... Show more »
Sade is a Nigerian-American actor and singer from San Bernardino, California. She began performing at four years old in her church after snatching the microphone from the pastor and leading the congregation in a rendition of Jesus Loves Me. She loves exploring underrepresented experiences through the far reaches of comedy, horror, and tender, intimate moments in storytelling. She is classically trained with experience in voiceover, stage (including musical theater), television, and film. Show less «

Sade Ayodele's FILMOGRAPHY

In Ice Cold Blood - Season 3


In Ice Cold Blood - Season 2


In Ice Cold Blood - Season 1

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