Ruka Felicity Nagashima

Ruka Felicity Nagashima

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Ruka Felicity Nagashima was born in New York and raised in California. She started her acting and modeling career at the age of 5. Since then, she has appeared in over 100 projects including film, television, commercials/PSA's, industrials, music videos, print, voiceover, and theater.In addition to acting, she is an accomplished pianist and vi... Show more »
Ruka Felicity Nagashima was born in New York and raised in California. She started her acting and modeling career at the age of 5. Since then, she has appeared in over 100 projects including film, television, commercials/PSA's, industrials, music videos, print, voiceover, and theater.In addition to acting, she is an accomplished pianist and violinist and performs frequently at various venues. She is also an ardent artist/photographer and has won numerous awards, including a grand prize in a nation-wide art contest when she was 4 years old. Her other interests include karate, track, dance/cheerleading, and Girl Scout. She has been performing in her cheerleading team for the past six years at various community events and will perform at the Dodgers Stadium this summer.Being a very advanced reader since before kindergarten, she has also enjoyed academic success. She is in the gifted and talented student program and stays on the High Honors List, maintaining straight-A's. She has also been attending a Japanese school every Saturday for the past nine years and is fluent in the language.In her spare time, Ruka loves to go shopping & movies and hang with her friends.July 2014 Show less «

Ruka Felicity Nagashima's FILMOGRAPHY

The Mark: Redemption

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