Ronnie Sanders

Ronnie Sanders

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Ronnie Sanders was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. He is a classically trained musician. He studied guitar in middle school before joining the choir in high school. He began performing in musicals in high school and graduated to performing in operas in college.He conducted in Carnegie Hall, in New York city in 2005. He is comfortable with vo... Show more »
Ronnie Sanders was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. He is a classically trained musician. He studied guitar in middle school before joining the choir in high school. He began performing in musicals in high school and graduated to performing in operas in college.He conducted in Carnegie Hall, in New York city in 2005. He is comfortable with voice characterizations and singing in front of the camera. Show less «

Ronnie Sanders's FILMOGRAPHY

The Son - Season 2


The Son - Season 1


The Long Road Home - Season 1

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