Rodrigo Contreras

Rodrigo Contreras

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April 17, 1988 in Santiago, Chile
170 cm
Rodrigo Contreras Valenzuela, also know as Roco Contreras, is an actor was born on April 17, 1988 in Santiago de Chile. He has participated in films and series of TV as "VeinteaƱero a los 40" (2016), "Una Historia Necesaria" (2017) and "La Vida Simplemente" (2019).He studied Performing Arts at UNIACC (Universidad de A... Show more »
Rodrigo Contreras Valenzuela, also know as Roco Contreras, is an actor was born on April 17, 1988 in Santiago de Chile. He has participated in films and series of TV as "VeinteaƱero a los 40" (2016), "Una Historia Necesaria" (2017) and "La Vida Simplemente" (2019).He studied Performing Arts at UNIACC (Universidad de Artes, Ciencias y Comunicaciones). Is also a playwright, producer, theater director and voice actor.In Latinoamerica, his voice is known for interpreting characters of Discovery's series and programs, Nickelodeon, Disney and Universal Studios. He was latino dubbing voice of Tanky in Dinotren (Discovery), Wasp in Transformers (Cartoon Network), Rob Greenfield in Free Ride (Discovery), among others. Show less «

Rodrigo Contreras's FILMOGRAPHY

La Jauria - Season 2


La Jauria - Season 1

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