Rocky Repp

Rocky Repp

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Rocky was born on September 10th, 1992 in Phoenix, Arizona. He attended Arizona State University and studied acting at the University as well as Privately. He is an Actor and former collegiate athlete. He is the younger brother to his only sister, Robyn Repp and only son to his parent Kathleen and Rocky Repp SR . He graduated from Saguaro High Scho... Show more »
Rocky was born on September 10th, 1992 in Phoenix, Arizona. He attended Arizona State University and studied acting at the University as well as Privately. He is an Actor and former collegiate athlete. He is the younger brother to his only sister, Robyn Repp and only son to his parent Kathleen and Rocky Repp SR . He graduated from Saguaro High School in 2011. Show less «


Teenage Badass

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