Robert 'Ross' Anderson

Robert 'Ross' Anderson

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Robert Ross Anderson, II. was born on St. Patrick's Day in 2005 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Ross began his acting career in the early part of 2012 after constant encouragement from friends and family. Ross started strong and his first audition he landed the principle role in a Schwinn Bicycle commercial. Empire State was Ross's second aud... Show more »
Robert Ross Anderson, II. was born on St. Patrick's Day in 2005 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Ross began his acting career in the early part of 2012 after constant encouragement from friends and family. Ross started strong and his first audition he landed the principle role in a Schwinn Bicycle commercial. Empire State was Ross's second audition which he earned the role of "Little Boy". Living in Louisiana, Ross enjoys a very active life doing lots of outdoor activities such as sports, hunting and fishing. Baseball is his favorite sport and when asking Ross what he wants to be when he grows up, he most always says "a professional baseball player and actor". Ross is the second to youngest of five children. He is the only boy. His father is a local ER physician and his mother is a nurse. Ross is enrolled in a Spanish Immersion program at school and hopes to become fluent in Spanish. Show less «

Robert 'Ross' Anderson's FILMOGRAPHY

Get Hard


13 Sins


Wicked Blood


Empire State

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