Robert Herrick

Robert Herrick

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Robert Tyler Herrick was born in San Diego and raised in Riverside, CA. After graduating high school he lived in Indiana and Hong Kong for a few years until returning to beautiful California. Robert was in his first play when he was 8 years old and immediately loved it. Although he has worked in many different careers fields through out his life no... Show more »
Robert Tyler Herrick was born in San Diego and raised in Riverside, CA. After graduating high school he lived in Indiana and Hong Kong for a few years until returning to beautiful California. Robert was in his first play when he was 8 years old and immediately loved it. Although he has worked in many different careers fields through out his life nothing has ever felt like acting to him. Robert is a graduate of the two-year Meisner Program and has enjoyed taking classes at The Groundlings School and Theater.As a person he is an enthusiastic and fun-loving guy who gets along with everyone but is also a very disciplined hard worker. Show less «

Robert Herrick's FILMOGRAPHY

Buried in the Backyard - Season 5


Buried in the Backyard - Season 4


Buried in the Backyard - Season 3


Buried in the Backyard - Season 2


The Night That Didnt End - Season 2


Buried in the Backyard - Season 1


The Night That Didnt End - Season 1


Married With Secrets - Season 2


Married With Secrets - Season 1

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