Reid Miller
Reid Miller is a Los Angeles-based American actor known for award-winning and nominated films & shows like, The Fourth Door (2015) starring himself and Monique Coleman of the High School Musical (2006) Franchise nominated for Best International Web series and an official selection Raindance International and the Marseille Webfest which gained h...
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Reid Miller is a Los Angeles-based American actor known for award-winning and nominated films & shows like, The Fourth Door (2015) starring himself and Monique Coleman of the High School Musical (2006) Franchise nominated for Best International Web series and an official selection Raindance International and the Marseille Webfest which gained him many international fans. Marty: A Wild West Neverland (2016) which won Best Short Film at The Wild Bunch Film Festival and he won Best Male Child Actor. The short film Milvio (2016) which won Best Short Film at The San Diego International Kids Film Festival and also a selection at Cannes short Film Corner. Reid can be seen portraying Frank Underwood as a young teen in the 4 part mini series Playhouse of Cards: The Web Series (2015) which won a College Television Award from the Television Academy for best-scripted series and is now available to watch on YouTube.You can also see Reid guest starring in the series Criminal Minds - Season 11: Criminology: Devil's Backbone (2016) on CBS, Training Day (2017) on CBS, The Fourth Door streaming on Verizon's Go90 channel, and Mr. Student Body President (2016) also streaming on Go90. In addition to acting, Reid is a writer and has written several shorts and recently has completed his first feature length screenplay. Reid is a skilled martial artist and hand to hand fighter with specialties in weapons, having trained in several styles including XMA at the Los Angeles HQ under Master Michael Chaturantabut or Mr. Chat to his students, 7-Time World Forms & Weapons Champion, former Blue Power Ranger. Show less «
You can't wait for things to happen, you have to fight for what you want.
You can't wait for things to happen, you have to fight for what you want.

