Rebeka Choudhury

Rebeka Choudhury

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Rebeka Choudhury was born in Bangladesh and partially raised in the United States, calling NYC home.She enrolled in Fordham University earning a Bachelor's of Science in Finance & Economics, with extracurriculars in dance and rugby. During her studies she took an acting elective and was thrilled by the new sense of expression she found wit... Show more »
Rebeka Choudhury was born in Bangladesh and partially raised in the United States, calling NYC home.She enrolled in Fordham University earning a Bachelor's of Science in Finance & Economics, with extracurriculars in dance and rugby. During her studies she took an acting elective and was thrilled by the new sense of expression she found within the medium.Upon graduation Rebeka worked in finance for CITI Group, and after a few years finally decided to follow her true calling in acting. She spent 2 years under strict practice of the Sanford Meisner technique from William Esper Studio. Following her instruction she appeared in print, commercial and on-screen work.When she is not in front of the camera, Rebeka continues to broaden her craft with work through various acting classes and her coach. She keeps an eclectic set of skills and hobbies owing to be able to do a headstand and burp on command (at the same time). She achieves her mental acuity and balance as a certified yoga instructor. Rebeka can most commonly be seen cutting up the pavement while riding her skateboard through the streets of New York City. Blink and you'll miss her. Show less «

Rebeka Choudhury's FILMOGRAPHY

Blue Bloods - Season 11


Blue Bloods - Season 10


Inside Game


Blue Bloods - Season 9


The Nesting (Apparition)




Political Animals - Season 1


Celebrity Ghost Stories - Season 2


Celebrity Ghost Stories - Season 1

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