Olivia Flanagan

Olivia Flanagan

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December 18, 2007 in Surrey, UK
Olivia Flanagan is an actor, known for Belfast (2021). Olivia is a dual National Canadian and UK actor based in the United Kingdom. Olivia has received scholarships for her theatrical work for several years and is well versed in an American accent. Olivia is also a keen aerial dancer and loves kayaking. Olivia's best friend is her dog, toy-poo... Show more »
Olivia Flanagan is an actor, known for Belfast (2021). Olivia is a dual National Canadian and UK actor based in the United Kingdom. Olivia has received scholarships for her theatrical work for several years and is well versed in an American accent. Olivia is also a keen aerial dancer and loves kayaking. Olivia's best friend is her dog, toy-poodle Winnie! Show less «

Olivia Flanagan's FILMOGRAPHY


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