Nora Sakal

Nora Sakal

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Nora Sakal was born in Chicago to two talented, adventuresome, itinerant architects who then dragged her all over creation; Santa Fe, Norfolk, South Bend, wherever. So of course she grew up hungry to do them one better. Forget inventing new buildings. Nora decided to invent new people, otherwise known as acting.And she's got the creative rootl... Show more »
Nora Sakal was born in Chicago to two talented, adventuresome, itinerant architects who then dragged her all over creation; Santa Fe, Norfolk, South Bend, wherever. So of course she grew up hungry to do them one better. Forget inventing new buildings. Nora decided to invent new people, otherwise known as acting.And she's got the creative rootlessness to really make it happen.After leaving her Office Assistant job in the writers' room at Psych, here she is in L.A., guest starring on MTV's Awkward as Kristy Patton. Starring in Comedy Central's new dramatic comedy series Brody Stevens: Enjoy It! as Codi Stevens. Starring in Eric Kunau's short, Craigslist Grandma. And playing parts on CW's 90210 and on Disney's Kickin' It and Shake It Up.When she's not acting, Nora studies commercials with Killian, improv at UCB and acting with Bill Howey. Show less «


Awkward - Season 5


Awkward - Season 4


Veronica Mars


Awkward - Season 3


Awkward - Season 2


Awkward - Season 1

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