Nitinn Rana

Nitinn Rana

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Nitinn S Rana is a second unit director / first assistant director, actor and former casting director. He is known for working with first-time directors doing their debuts from writers, production designers, editors & Ad film makers etc. He has a vast knowledge of film direction & production. He has operated 2nd unit camera on most of his r... Show more »
Nitinn S Rana is a second unit director / first assistant director, actor and former casting director. He is known for working with first-time directors doing their debuts from writers, production designers, editors & Ad film makers etc. He has a vast knowledge of film direction & production. He has operated 2nd unit camera on most of his recent films & directed second unit independently as per the director's vision . He has done around 17 films in the past and has worked on multiple t.v commercials with top directors and production houses. His debut film as a director is "under construction"Family : His mother "Usha Rana" is a veteran actor working in Indian television and his sister "Shefali Rana" is also a famous television actor. He is married to a teacher since 2012 and has a son. Show less «


1971 (2007)



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