Nicolas Eduard Suter

Nicolas Eduard Suter

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Nicolas Eduard Suter was born October 26, 2000, in the Glendale Adventist Hospital. only 6 months of age, he moved to Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. there he learned Spanish as his first language, and at 5 years of age, he moved back to Los Angeles, CA. he enrolled in a summer acting class at The Acting Center when he was 10, although originally just d... Show more »
Nicolas Eduard Suter was born October 26, 2000, in the Glendale Adventist Hospital. only 6 months of age, he moved to Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. there he learned Spanish as his first language, and at 5 years of age, he moved back to Los Angeles, CA. he enrolled in a summer acting class at The Acting Center when he was 10, although originally just did it for fun, booking a small Hollywood play, "Granite." the next year came, and he enrolled once more. at a small performance at The Acting Center, he was seen by Matt Ilcuzuk, and ever since has been a client of Royalty Rope Management, now named Entertainment Lab. He has since booked a pilot and several national and global, as well as voice over and Internet commercials and more recently was a guess star for the Nickelodeon TV Series, 100 Things to do Before High School. He has recently signed for Avalon Artists Talent Agency. Show less «

Nicolas Eduard Suter's FILMOGRAPHY

Adam Ruins Everything - Season 3


Adam Ruins Everything - Season 2


Adam Ruins Everything - Season 1


100 Things To Do Before High School - Season 1

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