Nicholas Jarnot

Nicholas Jarnot

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Nicholas Mcleod was born in Burlington Vermont, USA. His ancestry is a mix of British, Polish, American and French. He moved to Europe aged 2, where he spent 3 years of his childhood growing up in Northern France and the rest in Yorkshire, England until he graduated college in 2008. Nicholas first studied film production at the Leeds Metropolitan U... Show more »
Nicholas Mcleod was born in Burlington Vermont, USA. His ancestry is a mix of British, Polish, American and French. He moved to Europe aged 2, where he spent 3 years of his childhood growing up in Northern France and the rest in Yorkshire, England until he graduated college in 2008. Nicholas first studied film production at the Leeds Metropolitan University and then Creative Advertising at the Leeds School of Art & Design. Never really finding the right environment to express himself, he moved to New York where he eventually began acting in short films, music videos and concept pieces with friends. He moved to Los Angeles in January 2013 to continue pursuing a career in acting and has been steadily building credits and his resume of training with coaches such as John Ruskin, Ivana Chubbuck, Margie Haber, Christinna Chauncey, Andrew Wood, John Sudol, Allen Levin (Lifebook acting academy) and joining the Lonny Chapman Group Rep theatre. Show less «

Nicholas Jarnot's FILMOGRAPHY

The Obscured


Bunnyman Vengeance

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