Mugur Arvunescu

Mugur Arvunescu

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Mugur Arvunescu is a Romanian film and theatre actor .He was born on November 24, 1947 in Bucuresti, He graduated from Institute of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1971.In 1977, he plays first role in the movie Povestea dragostei.Other notable roles in films : Tacanitii (2002) and Lunga calatorie cu trenul (1997). Play on the stage of the the... Show more »
Mugur Arvunescu is a Romanian film and theatre actor .He was born on November 24, 1947 in Bucuresti, He graduated from Institute of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1971.In 1977, he plays first role in the movie Povestea dragostei.Other notable roles in films : Tacanitii (2002) and Lunga calatorie cu trenul (1997). Play on the stage of the theater ''Odeon '' in Bucuresti. Show less «

Mugur Arvunescu's FILMOGRAPHY

Train of Life

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