Monika Munoz

Monika Munoz

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December 29, 1978 in El Paso, Texas, USA
Birth Name: 
Monica Muñoz Arruñada
159 cm
Monica Muñoz Arruñada was born on December 29 in El Paso, Texas, in the United States. She studied acting in "Centro de Eduacion Artistica de Televisa" for 3 years.She landed her first role in "Amigas y Rivales" (2001). Because of her bilingual abilities she was chosen for the leading role in "One Night in Mexico" (2... Show more »
Monica Muñoz Arruñada was born on December 29 in El Paso, Texas, in the United States. She studied acting in "Centro de Eduacion Artistica de Televisa" for 3 years.She landed her first role in "Amigas y Rivales" (2001). Because of her bilingual abilities she was chosen for the leading role in "One Night in Mexico" (2003) with comedian Alex Reymundo. Show less «

Monika Munoz's FILMOGRAPHY

Rebelde - Season 3


Rebelde - Season 2


Rebelde - Season 1

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