Mike Corcoran

Mike Corcoran

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Mike Corcoran was born and raised in Saginaw, MI. Since a child Mike has been taught to always set a goal, commit and succeed to best of his ability. For the past 15 years, Mike has found much success in the design and build construction industry. With a forever dream of becoming a professional actor, he began taking classes in the evening, and wor... Show more »
Mike Corcoran was born and raised in Saginaw, MI. Since a child Mike has been taught to always set a goal, commit and succeed to best of his ability. For the past 15 years, Mike has found much success in the design and build construction industry. With a forever dream of becoming a professional actor, he began taking classes in the evening, and work shops as often as possible on the weeks. With little experience, Mike quickly began working on set of several series/films as featured background roles. "Class of 09" (2022), "You'll Never Leave Me" (2022), "Fantasy Football" (2022) Show less «

Mike Corcoran's FILMOGRAPHY

Who Killed Robert Wone? - Season 1


Class of 09 - Season 1


A Deadly Mistake


Fantasy Football

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