Michael Tait

Michael Tait

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18 May 1966, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Birth Name: 
Michael Dwayne Tait
183 cm
Michael Tait was born May 18, 1966 in Washington D.C. His parents were Maxine and Nathel Tait, and he has 5 sisters and two brothers. Michael attended Liberty University where he met Toby McKeehan and Kevin Max; they went on to form DC Talk. After the friendly split of DC talk in 2000, the band went on to pursue solo careers. Michael's solo ca... Show more »
Michael Tait was born May 18, 1966 in Washington D.C. His parents were Maxine and Nathel Tait, and he has 5 sisters and two brothers. Michael attended Liberty University where he met Toby McKeehan and Kevin Max; they went on to form DC Talk. After the friendly split of DC talk in 2000, the band went on to pursue solo careers. Michael's solo career began in 2000 - 2007 and was known as Tait in honor of his father who passed away in 1999. In 2009 Tait joined The Newsboys as their lead singer. DC Talk is currently planning for reunion tour in 2017. He has also appeared in film. Show less «

Michael Tait's FILMOGRAPHY

Chonda Pierce: Unashamed


God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness


Gods Not Dead 2


God Is Not Dead


God's Not Dead

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