Melanie Denholme

Melanie Denholme

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Melanie Denholme has attended Bournemouth College and London's Met Film School, where she studied acting for film. She has performed in pantomime and theatre (winning a best actress award for her role as Cecily in "The Importance of being Earnest"), she sings baritone and she plays violin. She can do a variety of British accents and ... Show more »
Melanie Denholme has attended Bournemouth College and London's Met Film School, where she studied acting for film. She has performed in pantomime and theatre (winning a best actress award for her role as Cecily in "The Importance of being Earnest"), she sings baritone and she plays violin. She can do a variety of British accents and play a New York American. Her personal interests include writing, swimming, horse riding, cycling, roller skating, improvisation and athletics. She loves performing comedy and she adores vampire films. She has a daughter called Summer Rose. Show less «

Melanie Denholme's FILMOGRAPHY

A Werewolf in Slovenia


Dark Watchers: The Women in Black

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Melanie Denholme'S roles
