Max La Bella

Max La Bella

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11 August 1986, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Max La Bella is a screenwriter, living in Los Angeles, California. Max was born in Hartford Connecticut and moved to Orlando, Florida at age 18 and graduated from Full Sail University with a Bachelors degree in film. He is developing numerous television and feature film projects. Most notably, his first feature film, Demonic hits theaters this year... Show more »
Max La Bella is a screenwriter, living in Los Angeles, California. Max was born in Hartford Connecticut and moved to Orlando, Florida at age 18 and graduated from Full Sail University with a Bachelors degree in film. He is developing numerous television and feature film projects. Most notably, his first feature film, Demonic hits theaters this year. Demonic (horror/thriller) is produced by James Wan (Saw/Insidious) with Dimension Films and The Weinstein Company. In addition, he's consistently up for the biggest horror / thriller projects in circulation, as well as developing his own projects with various production companies and studios. Max is represented by Eric Garfinkel at the Gersh Agency and Andy Cohen at Grade A Entertainment. Show less «



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