Massimo Emilio Gobbi

Massimo Emilio Gobbi

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Massimo Emilio Gobbi is a director and actor born in 1956. Director and actor in "Kamorrah Days". Expert in documentary films, among his most appreciated works are: "Water Mistic" and "Black Money." He is currently working on the film "The Fable Kony 2012" and "The flight of Scarface," a film about ... Show more »
Massimo Emilio Gobbi is a director and actor born in 1956. Director and actor in "Kamorrah Days". Expert in documentary films, among his most appreciated works are: "Water Mistic" and "Black Money." He is currently working on the film "The Fable Kony 2012" and "The flight of Scarface," a film about the daring escape of the photographer Fabrizio Corona Show less «

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