Mason Fabian

Mason Fabian

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Mason Fabian is an American Actor known for his comedic persona, action films, range of voice overs, and impersonations. Mason was born on February 26, 1984 (35 years old) in Bedford, Ohio. After High School, Mason joined the Marines in 2003 where he became a Field Radio Operator and a Sergeant after 6 years in the Reserves. During his service, Mas... Show more »
Mason Fabian is an American Actor known for his comedic persona, action films, range of voice overs, and impersonations. Mason was born on February 26, 1984 (35 years old) in Bedford, Ohio. After High School, Mason joined the Marines in 2003 where he became a Field Radio Operator and a Sergeant after 6 years in the Reserves. During his service, Mason was deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005 where he received the Combat Action Ribbon. Meanwhile, Mason attended a Community College in Ohio earning 2 Associate Degrees. After his military service, in 2010, Mason became a Firefighter and Paramedic where he worked for over 9 years. During this time, Mason began his acting were he landed roles in multiple films: Cpl. Mason in 'Project E. 1337 Alpha' and Fred in 'One Last Prayer'. Show less «

Mason Fabian's FILMOGRAPHY

Wheel of Fortune - Season 39


Project E.1337: ALPHA

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