Mary Madaline Roe

Mary Madaline Roe

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Mary Madaline is a 14 year old high school freshman. "They Reach" is her first lead role in a feature film. Mary Madaline is grateful to the producers/writers for allowing her to have creative input into the role of Jessica. She identified with her character Jessica on many levels. Her short film, "Phoebe & Julie", won 2017 ... Show more »
Mary Madaline is a 14 year old high school freshman. "They Reach" is her first lead role in a feature film. Mary Madaline is grateful to the producers/writers for allowing her to have creative input into the role of Jessica. She identified with her character Jessica on many levels. Her short film, "Phoebe & Julie", won 2017 Best Story at Bleedingham Film Festival. Mary Madaline is 4X selected All-Star Softball player. In 2018, her Kirkland All Stars Majors Little League team won their 2nd Washington State title, West Regionals Championship and placed 5th at World Series. Mary Madaline is an avid reader and enjoys creative writing. Show less «

Mary Madaline Roe's FILMOGRAPHY

They Reach


All Good Things


Last Seen in Idaho

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